I have been gone for awhile, life takes you on different paths at different times in your life. But I found my way back.
Sooo, much has happened in the last few months. I turned the hoppy (soapmaking) into a business, did my first show, and recieved my fifth grandchild. Now, here comes the holiday season.
Here is a picture of my table at my first show. The show for others was a disappointment. There was not alot of traffic for a two day show. Plus, there were like five other shows the same days. I felt it was just right for me. I did not get slammed, or overwhelmed. I was not there for alot of the time because I still had to work my other job. Asked for the time off, but no one was listening I guess. But my daughter, Elizabeth, worked the whole show. Did I mention, she was nine months along? She knows everything there is to know about the soaps from beginning to end. So we have decieded that she will be the public face of the soap line. I do enjoy behind the "velvet" rope. We signed up for another show but had to back out due to family things happening. But we will be ready for the spring!
I will try and write more now, seeign that there is so much to fill in from my "trip". Stay tuned.
Late as usual, but welcome back:) I've missed you! Congrats on the show and your grandbaby!